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by Carman Clark

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God has made us different,
he made us so unique.
We slither on the ground,
we have no hands and feet.
Though you find us scary,
or maybe just plain weird,
our intentions are not to hurt you
or cause you such great fear.
Our venom's not meant for humans
but to help us when we eat.
So, please stop the senseless killing
before we're all extinct.
We're not saying you have to love us
or tell us we're the best.
God's the one who created us.
So, treat us with respect.

written by Sarah Clark
for Southeastern Reptile Rescue



Fears are educated into us
and can, if we wish,
be educated out.
-Karl A. Merringer

A righteous man cares for
the needs of his animal...
Proverbs 12:10

The snake is an animal.
It has a backbone and a heart.
It has red blood.
It drinks water and eats food.
It breathes air and feels fear
just like every other
animal in the world.
And, it's in a body that's
the hardest thing
for the average
person to understand.

 Become a Rescuer 

Have you ever wanted to be a reptile rescuer?
If so, here's your chance!


Southeastern Reptile Rescue is seeking qualified, competent individuals to assist with reptile rescue in Georgia. We have been accepting reptiles and successfullly adopting them out to permanent homes for many years. Unfortunately, many of the individuals that contact us are turned away as our facility quickly fills up. Since we have no more room for new cages and no time to care for more animals, we thought you could help.  

This is how it works.
1. Decide if you want to become a Reptile Rescuer.
2. Fill out the information form to allow us to decide if you are qualified. (You may be qualified by your standards but maybe not by ours.)
3. Provide us with your contact information and what species you may be able to accept.
4. Sit back and wait!

When a request to accept a reptile is received, we will pass their information along to you via e-mail. You may then contact them or you can choose not to do anything at all. Your information will not be given to the person requesting to donate their reptile.
All we ask is that if you do rescue a reptile we referred to you, tell us about it.


Volunteer Rescuers -

Not all rescuers do a good job. Sometimes people are simply into collecting animals and do not possess the resources or training needed to properly care for and house the animals they take in. Others have good intentions but quickly get overwhelmed because they accepted too many animals.  To effeciently and effectively rescue any species of animal, you need to learn to say NO! If this sounds like you, please don't apply.


Many people end up with pets on impulse purchases then decide that the animal simply doesn't fit their lifestyle. They then expect someone to buy the animal or for a rescue to take it in and find it a suitable home. To these people, we encourage them to resale the animal themself and exhaust every resource to find a home for their pet. We prefer to accept animals from individuals who really have absolutely no choice and no way out of being forced to rehome their pets.


If this interests you then keep going.


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