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by Carman Clark

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God has made us different,
he made us so unique.
We slither on the ground,
we have no hands and feet.
Though you find us scary,
or maybe just plain weird,
our intentions are not to hurt you
or cause you such great fear.
Our venom's not meant for humans
but to help us when we eat.
So, please stop the senseless killing
before we're all extinct.
We're not saying you have to love us
or tell us we're the best.
God's the one who created us.
So, treat us with respect.

written by Sarah Clark
for Southeastern Reptile Rescue



Fears are educated into us
and can, if we wish,
be educated out.
-Karl A. Merringer

A righteous man cares for
the needs of his animal...
Proverbs 12:10

The snake is an animal.
It has a backbone and a heart.
It has red blood.
It drinks water and eats food.
It breathes air and feels fear
just like every other
animal in the world.
And, it's in a body that's
the hardest thing
for the average
person to understand.

 Eastern Indigo Snake 

Eastern Indigo Snake Drymarchon corais

The eastern indigo snake is known to be the longest snake in the U.S. These snakes are solid black and may exhibit a bluish tint in sunlight. They also possess a reddish brown coloration on the chin that may sometimes extend onto the face. As it is not a constrictor and is non-venomous, the eastern indigo overpowers its prey with its powerful jaws and swallows it live. Prey items include rodents, birds and lizards as well as venomous and non-venomous snakes. In Georgia, the eastern indigo is located in South Georgia around palmetto and long leaf pine forests where they prefer well drained, sandy soils. The eastern indigo favors gopher tortoise burrows where they retreat along with many other animals including the eastern diamondback rattlesnake. Due to mindless rattlesnake roundups in South Georgia, the pressure to find the biggest and heaviest rattlers, drive many of the events participants to great lengths in locating the snakes. These environmental terrorists often gas the burrows by inserting a long hose and then pour in gasoline. The fumes drive out or kill the inhabitants and render the burrow uninhabitable. Due to roundups and habitat destruction, the eastern indigo has become very scarce in the wild and as of 1978 was listed under the federal Endangered Species Act as threatened. Since its protection took place almost 30 years ago, its numbers have still not recovered and many populations have decreased or disappeared altogether.

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