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Snake Man theme song
by Carman Clark

All Snake Killers
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God has made us different,
he made us so unique.
We slither on the ground,
we have no hands and feet.
Though you find us scary,
or maybe just plain weird,
our intentions are not to hurt you
or cause you such great fear.
Our venom's not meant for humans
but to help us when we eat.
So, please stop the senseless killing
before we're all extinct.
We're not saying you have to love us
or tell us we're the best.
God's the one who created us.
So, treat us with respect.

written by Sarah Clark
for Southeastern Reptile Rescue



Fears are educated into us
and can, if we wish,
be educated out.
-Karl A. Merringer

A righteous man cares for
the needs of his animal...
Proverbs 12:10

The snake is an animal.
It has a backbone and a heart.
It has red blood.
It drinks water and eats food.
It breathes air and feels fear
just like every other
animal in the world.
And, it's in a body that's
the hardest thing
for the average
person to understand.

 Flint River 

Well first of all for those who don't already know, let's define herping. Herping comes from the word herpetology which is the scientific study of reptiles and amphibians. Reptiles and amphibians are known as "herps". Hence the word herping which some people simply call snake huntin'. Now remember, herping is not killing or collecting as many snakes as possible as do the rattlesnake roundup participants. Herping is done by reptile enthusiasts who love reptiles and care about their well being. We simply look for snakes in their natural habitat, catch them if possible and release them after taking a photo or two. Before you go herping, you must determine what kind of animal you are looking for because this will determine your whole day. Different snakes are in different habitats at different times of the day and different times of the year. On this particular day, we (my wife Sarah, her brother Hunter and I) were looking for cottonmouths (aka water moccasins) along the Flint River. So, we decided to take our boat, which we call the Tadpole, down the river to see what we could see. The Flint is a river in Georgia that flows from Atlanta down almost to Florida and if you count all its twists and turns is about 350 miles long. For our trip we decided to take a 10' jon boat due to the fact that it is relatively small and is fairly light and manueverable which allows it to be lifted over obstacles that may lie in our path, besides, it's the only boat I had. Now, three healthy adults cannot possibly stay afloat in a vessel this compact so, I thought it would be a good idea to have an inner tube in tow for the third person and we could all switch out and relax while the two aboard Tadpole did the paddling. This all worked out wonderfully for the first 100 yards. We all of a sudden began to hear what sounded like rushing water. As we rounded the corner we saw a beautiful rock strewn waterfall with an eight foot drop. Quickly, we paddled to the muddy bank and trudged past the falls with Tadpole dragging behind us. Fifteen minutes later we were back onboard looking at a group of fallen trees across the river. And so it continued for our seven hour trip down the Flint, tree after tree after tree. I now know that red wasps enjoy nesting in the fallen trees. Unfortunately, I did not learn this until I was thrice stung on my left shoulder. I also realized that the more you drag a 10' jon boat, the less light and manueverable it becomes. We spent more time in the water that the boat did! The next time I put Tadpole in the Flint, I will be 60 or 70 miles below Atlanta or will take a chainsaw with plenty of gas. And, as for the snakes, we saw a few but none were cottonmouths. We still had fun though and that was the important thing. I could have stayed home that day and watched television but instead I gave myself an adventure I'll never forget and didn't even have to leave town.

Hunter and Sarah dragging the boat and equipment across a boulder while I supervise.  
Sarah in the Flint RiverSarah got seperated from the boat by some overhanging limbs.
Sarah is in the distance swimming. We couldn't touch the bottom so we don't know how deep it was.Sarah swimming beside the muddy banks.
Sarah and Hunter.  
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