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by Carman Clark

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God has made us different,
he made us so unique.
We slither on the ground,
we have no hands and feet.
Though you find us scary,
or maybe just plain weird,
our intentions are not to hurt you
or cause you such great fear.
Our venom's not meant for humans
but to help us when we eat.
So, please stop the senseless killing
before we're all extinct.
We're not saying you have to love us
or tell us we're the best.
God's the one who created us.
So, treat us with respect.

written by Sarah Clark
for Southeastern Reptile Rescue



Fears are educated into us
and can, if we wish,
be educated out.
-Karl A. Merringer

A righteous man cares for
the needs of his animal...
Proverbs 12:10

The snake is an animal.
It has a backbone and a heart.
It has red blood.
It drinks water and eats food.
It breathes air and feels fear
just like every other
animal in the world.
And, it's in a body that's
the hardest thing
for the average
person to understand.

Non-Venomous Snakes

Click on a photograph below to
learn more about that particular snake.
Georgia is home to over 41 different snakes.
Only 6 of these snakes are venomous.
Below are Georgia's non-venomous snakes.
The state of Georgia protects its non-venomous snakes.
It is illegal to kill, capture or harrass any of the snakes pictured below.
Permits are required to possess any of Georgia's non-venomous snakes.

Kingsnakes and Milksnake of Georgia.
Eastern Kingsnake (aka Chain Kingsnake)
Mole Kingsnake Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata
Scarlet Kingsnake Lampropeltus triangulum elapsoides
Eastern Milksnake Lampropeltus triangulum triangulum

Eastern KingsnakeMole Kingsnake
Scarlet KingsnakeEastern Milk Snake 

Rat Snakes and Corn Snake of Georgia
Black Rat Snake Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta
Gray Rat Snake Elaphe obsoleta spiloides
Yellow Rat Snake Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata
Corn Snake (aka Red Rat Snake) Elaphe guttata guttata

Black Rat SnakeGray Rat Snake
Yellow Rat SnakeCorn Snake 

Watersnakes of Georgia
Banded Watersnake  Nerodia sipedon pleuralis
Red Bellied Watersnake  Nerodia erythrogaster erythrogaster
Brown  Watersnake  Nerodia taxispilota
Eastern Green Watersnake  Nerodia floridana
Queen Snake  Regina septemvittata
Black Swamp Snake  Seminatrix pygaea pygaea
Mud Snake  Farancia abacura abacura
Rainbow Snake  Farancia erytrogramma erytrogramma
Striped Crayfish Snake  Regina alleni 
Glossy Crayfish Snake  Regina rigida
Southern Banded Watersnake  Nerodia fasciata fasciata

Banded WatersnakeRed Bellied Watersnake
Brown WatersnakeEastern Green Watersnake
Queen SnakeBlack Swamp Snake
Mud SnakeRainbow Snake
Striped Crayfish SnakeGlossy Crayfish Snake
Southern Banded Watersnake

Small to Medium Terrestrial Snakes of Georgia
Midland Brown Snake  Storeria dekayi wrightorum
Scarlet Snake  
Cemophora coccinea
Eastern Garter Snake 
Thamnophis sirtalis
Eastern Ribbon Snake 
Thamnophis sauritus
Ringneck Snake  Diadophis punctatus
Rough Green Snake  Opheodrys aestivus
Southern Hognose Snake  Heterodon simus 
Threatened Species
Eastern Hognose Snake 
Heterodon platirhinos
Rough Earth Snake  
Virginia striatula
Smooth Earth Snake 
Virginia valeriae
Worm Snake
Carphophis amoenus
Pine Woods Snake  
Rhadinaea flavilata
Southeastern Crowned Snake 
Tantilla coronata
Florida Crowned Snake 
Tantilla relicta neilli
Red Bellied Snake  Storeria occipitomaculata

Midland Brown SnakeScarlet Snake
Ribbon SnakeEastern Garter Snake
Ringneck SnakeRough Green Snake
Eastern Hognose SnakeSouthern Hognose Snake
Smooth earth SnakeRough Earth Snake
Worm SnakePine Woods Snake
Southeastern Crown SnakeCentral Florida Crowned Snake
Red Belly Snake

Larger Terrestrial Snakes of Georgia
Eastern Indigo Snake  Drymarchon corais Threatened Species
Florida Pine Snake  Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus
Black Racer Coluber constrictor
Coachwhip  Masticophis flagellum

Eastern Indigo SnakeBlack Racer
Florida Pine SnakeCoachwhip 

Photo Credits: John Jensen, Dirk Stevenson, Jason Clark
These photos are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without consent.

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